Our Digital Dashboards

Social media metrics are key tools when it comes to understanding the whys and hows of social media growth. However, it can be overwhelming when you find yourself confronted with lots of data and no idea what it means or what to do with it.  

Enter the digital dashboard. At Charlie Puffin Digital, we use personalised monthly dashboards to track our clients’ social media growth. But how does a digital dashboard work and how can it benefit your business? 

Simply put, a digital dashboard offers a summary of your social media performance each month. The dashboard tracks your metrics – such as community growth, audience demographics, page impressions, posts, click-throughs and interactions, as well as hashtag efficacy, post ranking and average daily reach – and shows you the results you’re achieving and helps you plan for the results you want in an uncomplicated and easy-to-digest format. 

From this, our experts can offer insight into what the data means and make recommendations on how your plan can be optimised to boost growth and engagement. 

In addition, our clients benefit from a quarterly review, where our experts talk you through your social media performance from the past three months and outline how your activity can be developed to reach your business objectives.  

“All of our clients have completely different goals, and our monthly dashboards give them focus. We can see exactly what each client is achieving, giving us the opportunity to talk to them about whether there’s anything we need to change to improve their performance,” said Chloe Hales, social media manager at Charlie Puffin Digital 

Drop us an email at [email protected] or call 01462 558537 to book your free discovery call today.