How To Grow Your Business on LinkedIn

With more than 700 million users a month, LinkedIn has become an ever more important player on the social media stage. A networker’s tool kit, the platform is used by decision-makers, thought-leaders and senior-level influencers at companies all over the world, so is particularly important if your business sells to or works with other businesses. 

Having a good LinkedIn marketing strategy can drive business growth, generate leads, increase revenue, raise brand awareness, engage your audience and build your network. 

Here’s how to use LinkedIn to grow your business:

  1. Keep your profile up to date – According to LinkedIn, keeping your profile up to date is one of the simplest ways to improve your contact rate. The platform suggests that users aim for close to 100% completeness and continuously update their profiles, adding new skills, achievements and examples of recent works.
  1. Establish your goals – It’s really important to understand your goals from the outset, as these will not only shape the kind of content you share but also how and when you share it. 
  1. Know your audience – Audiences most value content they find informative and relevant, which is why it’s so important to know who you’re posting for and why. “Better-defined audiences lead to better lead generation,” the platform says. 
  1. Create an effective Linkedin Company page (learn how here) – A comprehensive and up-to-date Company page reinforces your brand’s credibility. Your company page should tell prospective customers about your company, the people who work there, information about your products or services and share engaging content. 
  1. Optimise your Company Page using keywords – Relevant and natural-sounding keywords will make your business more searchable, meaning that more people are likely to find it. 
  1. Share engaging content – While it’s tempting to push content extolling the benefits of your product or service, it’s important to note that ‘sales-y’ content doesn’t perform well on the platform. Instead, sharing insightful, relevant and interesting content is far more likely to yield the results you’re looking for. It’s also important to note that LinkedIn is known for having the longest content shelf-life so posting consistently is more important than posting constantly. Its algorithm is also one of the few that doesn’t ‘punish’ users for sharing content that links away from the site. Savvy users can use this to their advantage by curating a diverse feed combining their own original content with think pieces and other content from outside sources. Sharing an opinion on someone else’s content is also likely to receive more engagement.  
  1. Use media to boost engagement – According to LinkedIn, images garner six times more engagement than text-only content. Using visual content, such as images, video and powerpoint presentations, in your posts is likely to pull in more engagement.

Struggling with your social media? Charlie Puffin Digital can help. Drop us an email at [email protected] or call 01462 558537 to book your FREE discovery call today.