Developing a Successful Facebook Strategy

Know your audience

We’ve said it time and time again but it is the most basic tenet of social media and developing a successful Facebook strategy. Knowing your audience will help you create engaging ad campaigns tailored to them. Not only that but it will help you understand what their needs are, how your business or product can meet those needs and also inform future product/service development. 

First start with the demographics

  • What is their gender identity?
  • How old are they?
  • Where do they live? 
  • What do they do for a living? 

Next consider the following questions 

  • What is their family situation?
  • How much do they earn monthly and annually?
  • How much disposable income do they have?
  • Do they own or rent their home?
  • What are their needs? How does your product/business meet those needs?
  • How do they spend their free time? 

Consider your customer journey

This will differ from customer to customer, however, generally customer journeys tend to follow phases: awareness, consideration and decision. 

In the awareness phase your potential customer becomes aware that they have a problem or a need that your business or product could help with. While in the consideration phase they consider your product or business. Finally in the decision phase, they decide whether they want to purchase your product or service. 

This is an important thing to consider as an advertiser so you can tailor your content to customers at every stage of their journey. 

Use content marketing AND Facebook ads

It’s vital to provide value for follow and nothing turns followers off like being bombarded with constant ads. Instead, combine ads (learn how to create your first Facebook ad campaign here) with content marketing. Creating content gives you the opportunity to talk directly to your audience and will foster a more personal connection with them, making them more likely to choose your business over your competitors. 

When it comes to creating content here are some things to consider – 

  1. Is it useful?
  2. Is it interesting?
  3. Is it entertaining? 

Use video ads 

Video is becoming ever more popular in the social media landscape, so if your image or carousel ad isn’t performing the way you want it to it could be time to consider opting for video. Not only is video content super shareable and more likely to be engaged with, but it also offers the lowest effective cost per click in comparison to other ad formats, giving you a lot more bang for your buck. In addition, research carried out by Adobe found that shoppers who view video ads are almost twice as likely to complete a purchase than non-video viewers. 

Struggling with your Facebook strategy? Charlie Puffin Digital can help. At Charlie Puffin Digital, we work with our clients to develop bespoke social media strategies and create personalised content calendars, freeing up your time to invest back into your business. Drop us an email at [email protected] or call 01462 558537 to book your FREE discovery call today.